
Angels with A Dark Heart | Oak Aged Imperial Stout 13%
Barrel Aging, Brewing, On Tap
Third time brewing Angels With A Dark Heart and second time I will barrel age. This time I purchased a 15 gallon bourbon barrel versus 20 gallons and I plan to age the beer up to Christmas. Nick could not get me a barrel this time so I ordered…

Angels with a Dark Heart | Oak Aged Imperial Stout 13%
Barrel Aging, BrewingSecond time brewing this as I planned to enter it into the national home brew competition. I did not have much time to get everything done, especially the aging, and I had to brew a double batch to fill a 25 gallon barrel. I purchased…

Dark Hearts | Imperial Stout 10%
BrewingGrain Bill
28lbs 4.8ozs Pale 2-Row malt
2lbs 11.1ozs Flaked Wheat
2lbs 11.1ozs Flaked Oats
2lbs 8.9ozs Roasted Barley malt
1lb 4.5ozs Black Patent malt
1lb 4.5ozs Caramel/Crystal 60L malt
1lb 4.5ozs Chocolate malt
1lb 4.1ozs Corn Sugar