Sweet Lilly | Blonde Ale 4%

Grain Bill

Weyermann Pilsner Malt
German Hallertau Hops
Safale US-05 dry yeast


My very first brew after building my system which I must say thanks to Kal at http://www.theelectricbrewery.com/ and the community at http://web.craftbeerpi.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftbeerpi/.  Without these people I am not sure I could have got things running.  My first beer is a Blonde Ale, recipe from Kal.

Brew Notes

I’m about 3 days into fermentation and the beer has a nice honey smell and it actually smells like beer.  The taste is better today than it was yesterday.

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  1. […] with my first brew ever which is from the Blonde Ale from The Electric Brewery, which I call Sweet Lilly, and added spruce tips to it.  Sweet Lilly is really a simple beer light in color and flavour.  I […]

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