Entries by brewmaster

Second Half | IPA 6.5%

Grain Bill 18lbs 12ozs Briess Pale malt 4lbs 12ozs Flaked Oats 2lbs Flaked Wheat 2ozs Amarillo @ 15mins 4ozs Falconer’s Flight Whirlpool for 15mins 2ozs Citra Whirlpool for 15mins 6pkgs American Ale (Wyeast #1056) 12ozs Citra Dry Hopped for 2 days 2ozs each Galaxy & Rakau Dry Hopped for 2 days

Dark Hearts | Imperial Stout 10%

Grain Bill 28lbs 4.8ozs Pale 2-Row malt 2lbs 11.1ozs Flaked Wheat 2lbs 11.1ozs Flaked Oats 2lbs 8.9ozs Roasted Barley malt 1lb 4.5ozs Black Patent malt 1lb 4.5ozs Caramel/Crystal 60L malt 1lb 4.5ozs Chocolate malt 1lb 4.1ozs Corn Sugar 3.3ozs Magnum @60mins 10pkgs Safale English Ale yeast #S-04 Inspiration My goal is to ultimately brew something […]

Everyone Remembers Their First | IPA

Grain Bill 17lbs Pale 2-row malt 4lbs Flaked Wheat 2lbs Flaked Oats 1lb 4ozs Carahell 1lb Rice Hulls 1oz each Citra & Falcons @ 15mins 2ozs Citra Whirlpool for 15 mins 1oz Falcon Whirlpool for 15 mins 6ozs Citra dry hopped 2 days 2ozs Falcons dry hopped 2 days

Beer On Tap

Keg-orator is up and running and for the most part complete.  When we are fully up and running our three primary beers, Between the Pipe – Double IPA, Sweet Lilly – Blonde Ale and a Stout (still a work in progress) will be on tap.   I started the build by tearing apart a new […]

Sweet Lilly | Blonde Ale 4%

Grain Bill Weyermann Pilsner Malt German Hallertau Hops Safale US-05 dry yeast Inspiration My very first brew after building my system which I must say thanks to Kal at http://www.theelectricbrewery.com/ and the community at http://web.craftbeerpi.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftbeerpi/.  Without these people I am not sure I could have got things running.  My first beer is a Blonde […]